Do you know what i realised today? I owe a life debt. There is somebody out there who is constantly there for me, somebody who i turn to in crisis, who always points me in the right direction, who always has the right answers, who knows what I want and how to get it to me.
I owe a life-debt to Google.
Without Google, I dont doubt for a moment that I would be dead. I just realise, after its just saved my arse again with my Theatre Studies folio, that its immense wisdom has saved me from trawling through links, or actaully going out and looking for something.
Its basically saved me from doing anything at all. Who needs librarys now?! Books?! They're a dead weight in society now, Google has all!
I dont have to get out of the house to shop anymore, Google can help me with that. I mean, Google forbid, I should see somebody I know down the street and have to talk with them.
Why go out at all? Google Earth can show me everything I ever need to see from the comfort of my own home! Look, there's my house! Hello house! And who needs to see people for entertainment? Google Video of the Day can sustain my social needs just fine! Its much more action packed!
I was on MSN, and I wanted to impress one of the masked participants with my superior knowledge. I run my mouse up the screen, all emotional like. I type 'www.g' and my computer straight away comes up with Google's adress. She knows who i want to see.
And Google takes me, and mothers me. "Calm down" It says (with no love in its voice, yet infinite love in its actions), "let me make all the descisions for you. Sit back and relax"...and I do....ahhhhhhhh.
Geez what a great invention, a stockpile of all information I'll ever need, plus most of the information i dont...Google knows all, sees all, and is equal to all. We could all learn from It, we should all learn from it! If Google was a person, a person who'd done all this for me, id be crazy not to love It...right?
...Big Google is Watching...