Here we go again...
“Have you ever wondered why it is we fall in love? Can you tell me? Do you know what it is we’re looking for? Why do we need? Can you tell me why I care? How is it that we heed that voice that says ‘I want you there’?” –Amiel, Love Song
I feel anger, jealousy, unstableness, envy, fear, sadness, lust, rage and self-hatred all built into the one emotion. In any logical mind, this crazy emotion that causes pain and emotional death would be regarded as something to be feared, something to be hated. But only our human minds could slap a happy façade on it and call it love.
Lol, well isn’t it funny? I write a piece on how moving on is a good thing and how it should be done and so on; and here I am turning on myself and defining hypocrite. There are some things we just can’t let go of, no matter how hard we try. I guess this means that these things are the most important in our life, so I guess we should treasure them. But that, as we all know, is not always the case.
Isn’t the human condition funny? Like they say in Minority Report, “when the chips are down, and all bets are off; all living creatures are interested in one thing and one thing only…its own survival”. When worst comes to worst, I know I only think of myself. I don’t think of the pain im causing others with the things is say, I don’t care about anything except what I want.
It’s the craving that never stops; it’s the goal of the path, the end of the journey. It’s the horizon, always there but always out of reach. Always far away. But when you get angry at somebody for admiring the sunset like you do, then you know you’re in too deep.
I feel old emotions coming back to me, the old emotions of jelousy and anger over the same problem; the same situation. I feel hatred and disgust of myself, and others. I feel; and that is usually something celebrated.
The happiness involved with love is the tip of the iceberg. The 10% that shows above water, the part that people see. The other 90% reveals humans as we really are; a jealous, angry, vile, backstabbing race that’s only wish is the betterment of the individual. Why did communism fail? We only want what’s good for ourselves; we can’t think as a symbiotic species, we went built that way. We weren’t built as machines, we were built with emotions. Powerful emotions. Emotion is what causes hurt in the world. Emotion is what causes hurt in me.
And in the end lol, emotion is what causes me to cause hurt in others. Ironic.