Life 101
"How sad to see a father with money and no joy. The man studied economics, but never studied happiness" --Jim Rohn
There is a lot of impact on what we do in life. Every choice we make shapes our lives. The hardest thing to do is to take a look at your life in baby steps. If you look at every little thing you do, you can see where your choices are taking you, and how they affect others.
Some people try to bluff their way through their social life. Some have all the confidence, but they are still 'running to nothing' (even if they don't believe that they are). In a way, we all are. We don't know what's going to happen, or what awaits us when we get older. In a split second, our lives can change.
Some people enjoy life, and some people enjoy hating life.
It is very hard to make the best of a bad situation. As much as you think you are prepared for what life throws at you, when life gets tough, only the best get going again.
There are people that worry too much about what happens in the world. In some ways, they are the smart ones. I guess it's better to be safe then sorry.
I believe that it is detrimental to pity everyone. If you look close enough at somebody, you can easily start to pity him or her because everyone has his or her faults. But you don't know everything, and you shouldn't pity them because of a different life.
Everybody needs something to believe in. Whether it's God, philosophy, the surf, music, society or just getting up in the morning; if you don't have belief you are just another lost soul, and their aren't many people that go looking for them.
A lot of people don’t like to philosophize. I guess they believe that it doesn’t take you anywhere, and that you never get any closer to what you question. I think that is the point of philosophy.
Life is as tough as you make it out to be. I guess that if you 'believe' in a tough life, then those choices that you make will show that. You chose the harder road because you believe that if it's tough, then you are right. But you can take the fun and easy road and still end up in the right place; it just takes longer (which could make it the hard road?).
I guess life itself is quite hard to tackle as a subject. I really find there to be only three real paths. The three L's.
- Learn as much as you can: One of the things that you can always be sure of is that you don't know everything, and that there are interesting things to learn just around the corner. This also means read as much as you can! Brilliant literature has been written for a reason, and it might be to change your perspective on things.
- Love as much as you can: Another thing that will always be around. Put it to good use, for it's the strongest emotion and it needs to be freed. It makes life just that little more beautiful. Yet I don't think I know the true extent yet.
Laugh as much as you can: I love laughing. It creates that great warm feeling inside you. It is such a gift that we as humans have, the gift of humor. If you can find it in everything, it will make you a better person, especially to those around you.
- Laugh as much as you can: I love laughing. It creates that great warm feeling inside you. It is such a gift that we as humans have, the gift of humor. If you can find it in everything, it will make you a better person, especially to those around you.
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