Monday, June 13, 2005

Spirit Talk - Take 1

Soon after I was baptised as a baby; my mum took me to the Usui Reiki Centre, Camberwell. They laid me down and a Reiki specialist touched my heart with one arm and wrote with another. They said they could feel my spiritual energy talking to them, and that they wrote down what my spirit was saying. Mum gave this to me today because now im “old enough to understand it”. I had two of them done by different schools of Reiki thought; here is one:

Image of Tom kicking a soccer ball straight through the goal. A direct hit. Full points. He feels pleased with himself about something although others may not understand his views. What is seen by him as achievement is seen as something else by others.

All is not what it seems.

We must look beyond the physical. The illusion. The illusion of illness, whatever that means to us.

Don’t worry about me. I’m ok; look at yourself! Who really needs healing?

Image of a space-man and outer space; all of that stuff. Cosmic cartoon characters.

Quite at home with this world.

Image of someone writing/drawing – it’s either Tom as an adult or someone that Tom knows (a father figure?)

Feeling a little tired now – “I want to sleep” Tom says “I like to dream, I have wonderful dreams! In my dreams I can connect – can be who I really want to…its hard in the other world

Surrounded by well meaning adults with heaps of hang-ups about me/themselves. Makes me feel sad sometimes (pity?). Sad and afraid for them. What will become of them? My loved ones? My earthly guardians?

Song:If I cant have you – I don’t want nobody baby

Image of cord coming from child to mother; feels connected.

I’m creating a brilliant reality. I’m really doing it ok – I’m just working it all out. Don’t be upset, just love Me.

Feeling of listlessness, but that’s just my body; im really alright.

Feeling of heaviness in the lungs – some sadness over a “Toy”

Head: Music sounds like the rock group Nirvana. Image of a huge Angel on the front of their album cover comes to mind.

Nothing more to say, im really ok. Don’t worry about the music – everyone has different tastes. Noise to many ears but the sounds of God to others.

Can feel a change – Me Too!!!

Sometimes I go numb – but that’s just protection

Thanks for the healing but don’t call me – I’ll call you.

Over and Out.

Finish - 12:20pm 19/9/88'


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