Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Late-Night Write

Karma Police,
I’ve given all I can, It’s not enough
I’ve given all I can, but we’re still on the payroll
” --Karma Police, Radiohead

She sent me off so fuckin angry; I had to get out of bed to write this. Bad boys, bloody hell. The BANE of my life. Guys with the violent attitudes that go through life leaving a trail of destruction like a bushfire. And the girls LOVE it! that’s the bit that haunts me the most, I think. To that that people like them have girls fawning over them just gets me so MAD!

It’s a mockery of EVERYONE who TRIES in this world. When you think about it, society is based around ‘people who try’ cleaning up after ‘people like them’. They hinder the progress of society, and add a pungent stench to the pages of homo-sapien history

The worst part is that the very stuff I just spouted in that paragraph makes girls sigh, god dammit!

I dunno why it set me off so bad tonight specifically. Maybe because the convo went along the lines of “Sid Vicious is a bad boy version of you” followed by “he’s so hot”. Compliment? I think not.

And then I started spouting my piece. “What is it that so attracts you to THAT?!” I typed furiously. Then came the piece de resistance:

Girls like bad boys because they like the idea that they can change a man

WHAT THE HELL?! WHY NOT GET ONE WHO’S ALREADY MADE THE CHANGE?! One day she’ll wake up married to some dude who beats her, and runs off with some other girl JUST LIKE HER. And so the vicious cycle would continue.

And THAT when the nice guy is remembered! Last. Nice guys finish last, but also first. Because they are the only ones racing.

But then, after thought, I discovered something interesting. I thought about both of them. I discovered a similarity in the two loves of mine, something that proves I can never have that ‘true love’ (whatever it is)

I end up loving the girls that love the bad boys, because I WANT TO CHANGE THEM!

Irony. Truly, it is God’s humour.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's an extra layer of irony here, they'll end up complaining about how they can't change the "others" and they'll complain to you, which in turn will cause you to whine about how you can't change them. Trust me, no one ever wins in these games we create, not them not us, never anyone.

I never win, I play but I never win. You've won a round, scored a Goal, whatever metaphor you may be using at the present time. We must face the cold reality that these tangled webs we weave have razors wedged into them.

But hey, coming from someone like me, it's hardly gospel.

9:22 pm  

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