Friday, July 15, 2005

The Opium of the Masses - 21st Century Style

"These days in technology and engineering, it’s only your imagination that can limit you" --Anonymous

It’s absolutely amazing where technology is going in the future. The quote at the top is absolutely true; in a world where individual atoms can be modified by nano-bots, anything is possible.Here are some of my predictions for the future in relation to science:

Chemistry will make a come-back as a science: 30 years ago, scientists said that chemistry was a dying science. Chemistry set down the basics for the other sciences; like biology and psychology, but were useless other then that (in the area of future technology). However, with the funding boom that came nano-technology’s way (in the area of $212 million! Thanx Clinton!), in which chemistry is a major part, sees this science now revived! It’ll boom, that’s all I gotta say.

Biology will p4wn all other sciences: I think this one’s a pretty safe bet. The absolute wonders that are coming biology’s way are crazy. Nanotechnology plays the biggest part in this, for it will affect biology the most. Trillions of nano-bots can be injected into the body to cure cancer (by killing the cancer and creating a fake one in its place! Amazing!) and destroy all viruses. Nano-bots can re-arrange the atoms in your facial features to change your appearance (w00t, scar-less surgery). Then there's the humongous potential in human modification. Nano-bots and genes can create anything from different skin colour, to different physical capabilities. Bio-technology can create clothes that give the wearer the power of ten men (there is already a suit that does this in Japan, saw it on the news the other night). Bio-technology can create helmets that can tune into a certain frequency (like a gunshot, or a packet of sweet sweet Club dark chocolate opening) and direct you to the sound, it can create mobile phones built into your ear that don’t use microphones or speakers but instead manipulate the vibrations in your ear and jaw. The possibilities are literally endless…

Psychology will actually be taken seriously: The aforementioned boom in bio-technology will directly affect the field of psychology. Didn’t think psychology could grow? Well how about computers in the brain that can assist in storing memory? That can keep dates? That can SELF-DIAGNOSE your mental capacity? Not to mention the amazing amount of craziness in the world that will result from these technologies lol…

Physics will become akin to religion: A 21st century physicist will start throwing out his books by Newton, by Einstein, by Hawking; and replacing them with books of Lao Tzu and Kierkegaard. Yep, quantum physics people. When you start dealing with quantum physics (QP) the absolute impossible becomes possible because QP ARE ABSOLUTELY RANDOM. Sub-atomic particles, so they have discovered, move at their own will; thus creating the field of QT. I don’t know much about it; but the ability to calculate mathematical equations in other universes is making me want to learn!

…and here’s me waiting for one of you ‘scientifically minded’ people out there to shut me down…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, i'm not going to shut you down, because i agree. Totally.

The only thing i disagree with is that i think Chem was never a dead science. Analytical Chem has done so much...take polymers for example.

But no, thats why i love science, its going exciting places.

10:35 pm  

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