Saturday, July 30, 2005

Split-Second of Solitude

Awake. But eyes are still closed. Makes it a little easier.

Son? you want to open your eyes
“Not particularly”

Who would?

I guess the operation was a success. Followed the normal procedure before-hand. Thought about death, then they came to me with gas…sleep…saw the white light and followed it, all that stuff. I was expecting it (maybe that’s why it happened).

The pain is still there, but I expected it. You never get anything truly fixed without a pain during and a pain to linger afterwards.

Hospital bed-sheets are like paper, ready to be disposed when I leave. The smell of death lingers; it is born here. Hospitals are for seeing if u can pump petrol into a broken car and somehow get it to work.

Son? The procedure is over…they say you’ll make a recovery

Im sure I will. But I will die.

I’ve never been more comforted by blackness before, but I’ve never felt safer then when I am in the smothering darkness of my own closed eyes. Solitude warm calm peaceful solitude alone carefree individual emancipated solitude free forever never ending forev…

C’mon Son, you can get back to living now

Im living now…I haven’t lived until now.

Open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes” the voices are everywhere…its music. Music is good though, isnt it?

Im going to open my eyes now. Im going to join back the world I was taken from. My stomach curls just thinking about it. Yet it’s my purpose, and there is nothing more satisfying then achieving your purpose.

@:!:%:!:&:~:^:*(:@:~:~::%^ THE WHITE LIGHT AGAIN, THE PAIN...ITS REAL :$:!:^:#:%:&:*:$:@:^:&:@:$%:^:!:%:%:*:

"That’s it Son…back to reality

The cruellest dream, reality………………………………………………, I’m wrong, but it was worth thinking about anyway.


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