It'll Be Like...Old Times
"These violent delights have violent ends, and in their triumph die,
like fire and powder which as they kiss, consume"
--Friar Laurence, Romeo and Juliet
Why do we destroy? We ‘destroy’ because it is innately grown in us to do so. All through life, we have destroyed just as much as we have created, in lives AND in property. But I still haven’t answered why…
The first reason is because WE CAN. “…and God made Man in his own image” Genesis 1:27. What more of a power trip is there then to destroy something? What absolute proof of our awesomeness! The Party says in 1984 that “power is the ability to inflict pain on others”, which really stems from destruction.
Power is very innate within us as well. We hunger for power; it feels good to wield! On that note; even our deeply-rooted sexual desires are power-based. I mean, making a girl orgasm (that word is just so suited to italics lol) is a REAL proof of your power over her, right?
But I stray from our topic…another reason we destroy is because CHANGE is always necessary; and destruction is the same as change, really. No, actually, change and destruction are just bosom-buddies, for they both occur together. Always.
Its funny; we don’t like change…we do like destruction though :D and otherwise, where would the fun in change be?
And of course, destruction is needed because of our good friend balance. New life breeds destruction, just as destruction breeds new life (if Terranigma taught me ANYTHING…) How can you feel better unless you felt pain?
It goes around and around in circles, everything needing each other! Round and around and around!
…just like this post! Hmmm, I’ll shut up now :) anyways, my Psychology exam is over and I’ve gotta put my pen down…
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