Our Father - Movement 6
But deliver us from evil:
and brings,
a new generation of King.
And you see ‘his royal highness’,
was just another minus ;)
For he who was everyone’s passion,
now finds himself slightly out of fashion
The King is dead
Long live the King. (/croons)
The old jazz singer sits in his house…a stranger in this decade. I don’t belong here, like a fish in a desert.
My voice used to croon; now it coughs up blood.
My dancing made women swoon; now my legs are lead.
My eyes used to wink at the crowd, now they’re wrinkled and dead.
My lungs used to be able to support a trumpet, now they can hardly support my body.
My mind used to be as quick as a match, now it cant differentiate reality from dream.
A piece of paper is inside…it has a small phrase written on it. Somewhat familiar…then I realise. It is me.
Suddenly im back in the club. Im singing again, about things that used to be both frivolous and serious at the same time.
until the real thing comes along ;) (/croons)
The muted trumpet sooths my soul, my silky voice softens my heart, the jazz guitar makes me marvel, the 3/4 time makes me dance.
The package is from me.
I throw the paper to the ground, and I start to waltz with nobody in particular. My legs work again, im my young self. I’m waltzing with a beautiful woman in a chandelier-lit hall…what else do I need?
The paper, Now forgotten on the ground, reads:
For the Kingdom, the power, the glory are yours
Now and forever.
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