Thursday, January 12, 2006

Three Little Words

Does anyone else find it trippy that the only three emotions that are also verbs are love, hate and fear? (The most powerful of all emotions, some say)

Personally, I put them in a scale of sorts, a scale of good to evil:


Fear is in the middle because its sort of a mixture of both. It causes love, for sure. It brings about the most passionate love of self that can EVER be expressed, and conquering fear is usually attributed onlt to this emotion!

It also takes some hate, because "when the chips are down, when all bets are off, every creature in the whole universe thinks of one thing and one thing only...its own survival". You hate whats brought fear on, you hate what gets in the way of your own survival...really, the only thing you dont hate at the moment fear gripps is yourself!

A nice paradox, nicely balnced to counteract eachother :D

...I apologise for this post, I came across the verb-related revelation at midnight while in the rain, and I crapped on about it after inhaling some very potent insence. Forgive me :D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

relli nice one...thought provoking

6:51 pm  

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