Saturday, July 17, 2004


       "Karma is a word, like love. A way of saying: 'What I am here to do'" --Ramah, "The Matrix Revolutions" 
     What are we here to do? Nobody has the answer. Ever since ancient times people have wondered about what, exactly, we are here for.
     If you ask me, the point of our lives cant be decided by somebody else. We aren't all here for the same reason. I belive that our Karma, our destiny, is up to us to discover.
     Everybody has a different veiw on how the world works. Some people think the world is a beautiful place, full of wonder and excitement. Others see it as a cesspit of corruption and greed. This all affects what we do in life and how we do it.
     Some people know their karma from the start. They believe they have been told by God, or that they just know what they have to do in their minds. Wether that is a good or bad thing is up to them to decide.
     Some people discover their karma along life's path. For example, let's imagine you are walking down a street and a cliche hits you. There's a burning building and everyone outside is screaming because there is still somebody inside. Now that is a choice that effects your destiny. Do you run in, heroic like, and rescue the poor soul at your own expence? Or do you walk right on by and let the firemen do their job? Karma gets dropped into your lap and it's up to you wether to pick it up or shake it off. 
     But what is destiny anyway? What does karma do in the long run? I believe that karma always involves helping others. That's the point of life. You can't escape it, everything you do and say effects others. What is important is how you use your karma.
     Karma is not good or bad by nature. Because there is good and evil in the world, destiny has happy and sad endings. But no matter what the karma is (good or bad) it always teaches us lessons.
     Thats the worst thing about people and karma. When bad karma happens, people go "oh no, what a tragedy, how terrible" and get sad (or angry). When good karma happens people go "how nice, what a good thing" and get happy.
     I'll say it now, you have to learn lessons from other peoples karma! That's what it's there for! That's the point of Karma and that the point of destiny and thats the point of life! Learn from people!


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