Saturday, September 25, 2004


Lookin’ at himself and wishing he was someone else,
Because the posters on the wall don’t look like him at all.
So he ties it up, tucks it in, pulls it back and gives a grin,
Laughin’ at himself because he knows he aint loved at all

He gets his courage from the can, it makes him feel like a man,
Because he’s loving all the ladies but the ladies don’t love him at all.”
--Posters, Jack Johnson

That song by Jack Johnson is pretty much what low self-esteem is in a nutshell. You end up just “laughing at yourself because you know you aint loved at all” It’s not a happy laugh; it’s a laugh of self-pity. It’s the worst feeling. It makes you feel like you’ve become everything you campaign against. It’s a bleak feeling.

Everything looks a little more grey, every night a little more dark, every smile a little more fake. You look at yourself in the mirror and find nothing but a husk of pity.

You feel yourself sinking down into degradation, into the degradation that is yourself.

Luckily for me, it didn’t last long. I was ‘woken up’ by a friend of mine. She said what I needed to hear, and it wasn’t a compliment. It was truth. It wasn’t about my image; it was about my state of mind. “Just accept it!” she said. FINALLY, somebody said it! It was the verbal slap I needed.

It’s pointless feeling self-pity, and self-loathing. There’s no use in it, and nothing you can do about it. You just need to accept life and GET ON WITH IT!! Life there to be lived and not to be worried about ‘image’ or stuff like that!

Jack Johnsons song still applies for me, I still feel like that. But I'm ok with that, im at peace with who I am. We're all built for different purposes and I guess that just isnt mine. "So he ties it back, tucks it in, pulls it up and gives a grin; laughin' at himself because he knows he aint loved at all" The words are the same, but it has a different meaning now.

Self-pity gets in the way of you living, you fall into depression and don’t want to do anything, and this is the worst crime.

Life is beautiful, and its THERE to be LIVED!! You don’t like things about the world? Get up off your arse and change them! DO it, DO something! Happiness is something different in every person and it’s up to you to find it and do it! Mine’s laughing (lol, there’s a no-brainer). You wouldn’t believe how easy it is to laugh at things, the GOOD kind of laughing.

…and I don’t have anything inspiring to end that on so I’ll just stop ;)


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