Saturday, January 22, 2005

Which way to Look

And I know that you’re a sucker
for anything acoustic,
and when I say ‘lets keep in touch’
I really mean ‘I wish that you’d grow up’
” –Mix Tape, Brand New

I find the whole structure of teen relationships an interesting thing. The whole idea of teen relationships is totally juxtaposed to adult relationships (and society’s way of life in general) which makes them get frowned upon by most of the adult community. The most important factor that sets them so much apart is the basic goal. The basic goal of adult relationships to find a partner or soul mate; while really, the basic goal of teen relationships is just fun.

And the interesting thing is, all teens know this. We know when we enter into relationships at our age that we’re not picking life partners (though that has happened before) and that’s really what adds the spice to it I think. The motto of teen relationships is basically “Live while you can” because that’s pretty much the mindset (although it does take time to admit this to yourself and to each other lol)

Adults crave that spice that teen relationships have. How many times have you heard married couples complaining that they “don’t act the same as when they were young”? Its because back then the goal was different. Back then there was nothing to lose and everything to gain.

The goal didn’t involve the future, it involved the present.

A lot of people have been falling ‘in like’ of late, and when you start looking at these relationships like ive just explained; you start to wonder if its futile. But then again, when you’re involved, perspectives change. I think now, that the structure of teen relationships is truly a much better format then adults relationships (the only problem is the shortness of teen relationships, but this is just due to our innate need to experience as much as we can)

Think of it this way, the key to a relationship is looking in the present and not the future (and also; looking at the person and not everyone around them)

Then again, im no expert on the subject lol; so I’ll shut my big mouth now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make it out like it's a bad thing, the psycology of it is all two facinating. And there is a rather convinient cure, you have to confront the whole damned mess head on, and tell it to bugger off. I did, and it worked wonders.

Keep on living.


11:24 am  

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